How to Troubleshoot QuickBooks crash com error?

 Learn what it takes to deal with QuickBooks crash com error by going through this post till the end. Crash com error in QuickBooks desktop can be seen due to the fact software consists of many financial data and records. This issue can be seen when the user tries to send emails, invoices, paystubs, transactions, or reports. QuickBooks Crash com error can end up in losing the unsaved data, which can be very disheartening for the QuickBooks users. There can be various other factors causing such an error, which we will be elaborating on later in this post along with the steps to deal with it. Thus, make sure to read the post carefully till the end. Or the user can also get in touch with our QuickBooks Pro support team for any sort of further technical assistance. We are a team of technically sound QuickBooks professionals who work round the clock to provide the best possible support services immediately. Give us a call at +1-888-351-0999, and we will ensure to provide you with support services immediately.

Trying to run a payroll update or trying to run the payroll software, but the process is interrupted by the QuickBooks payroll error PS0160?

What factors might cause QuickBooks crash com error?

·         The user can experience such an error due to the following reasons:

·         One of the major reasons can be if Windows or MS-Office components are missing or damaged, then it is probable to encounter crash com error.

·         Or if there is any sort of virus or Trojan hampering the software.

·         Another reason can be if any software mistakenly deletes the crucial QuickBooks related files.

·         The antivirus or firewall program blocks the QuickBooks communication process can also lead to such an error

·         The QuickBooks software fails to communicate with the client or email service.

·         Another trigger to the error can be if the QuickBooks components get damaged somehow.


Effective measures to fix the issue

The user can try performing the below set of steps to fix the issue successfully.

Method 1: QuickBooks desktop and company file fine-tuning

·         At first, the user needs to open and update QuickBooks to the latest release

·         After that choose QuickBooks manual updates, in case of QuickBooks update errors

·         The user is then suggested to open and verify the QuickBooks company file to check the data integrity of the company file

·         Open the item on which the QuickBooks crash com error was encountered and then make an attempt to email it

·         Try to open certain reports or email it, in order to check whether the issue continues



Method 2: Update Microsoft Outlook

·         The first step is to open Microsoft Outlook and go to File

·         And then select Office Account and click on Update Options

·         The last step is to click Update Now

 You may also visit: Resolve QuickBooks payroll error PS0160

Coming to the end of this post, we expect that the reader might be able to deal with the issue successfully. However, if for some reason the error persists, then getting in touch with our team professionals is all that we suggest. The user can contact us at +1-888-351-0999 and our QuickBooks Pro support experts will ensure to answer all the queries instantly. 


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